I’m not suggesting we don’t bring our children to Mass but what I am saying is why are some children allowed to run up and down the aisles during Mass. Why are they allowed to run around the santuary after Mass or for that matter running all over the church yelling and screaming after Mass while their parents socialize with others. These are children who are generally not in school yet who really don’t know better. The blame for this behaviour is totally that of the parents and the Priest who allow it to go on.
Don’t start this c*** again – while there ought to be rules title loans VT in place concerning modesty – both for women and men – get over the c*** about jeans, sandals, or even t-shirts. Dressed up or dressed down – just be modest. Tell some derelict just out of a trunk near some border crossing not to show up to Mass until he has hard shoes and dress pants on. Or tell some old guy without an income save for social security, no health insurance, living off the kindness of friends that wrinkled khakis and a rumpled worn shirt doesn’t cut it for Mass. Some people are embarrassed enough to only have the clothes they have to wear to church.
Terry, Let’s all agree that poverty is an exemption. However, your strident tone riddled with profanities I had to edit out tells me that there is more to your remark than this simple exemption. It is not wrong to speak to one another and ask for reflection on how we dress. THis blog is addressed to the average person of average means and simply asks us to reflect on what is appropriate given the our destination and purpose. This is not C*** as you say. It is a valid and necessary reflection.
Yes, life has become more casual. I grew up in the 70’s-80’s when attire was more casual. When it comes to Mass attire, no matter what generation we are in, we have to use common sense, especially females. Continue reading